The film tells the true story of the lord of the northeastern wilderness, the reindeer emperor and the terror of the reindeer bandits, Mosku, who lived in Lapland in the early 20th century. (Aleksi from Hihnavaara) Mosku is a tough-minded forest guerrilla who learned the skills of the group early on from his father. Already at a young age, Mosku has to face a gang of Rupipää bandits from across the border at the boating site, who try to rob him of a fishing boat. The feud between Mosku and Rupipää escalates into numerous clashes. All means are allowed. Reindeer thefts are increasing alarmingly in the border region. Reindeer are stolen by the Koltas, the Red Guards who escaped to Petsamo, and bands of bandits. In an emergency meeting, the villagers decide to form a volunteer strike force to patrol the border area and look for stolen reindeer tusks. There is only one volunteer, Mosku. For lunch, Mosku gets a rifle and five cartridges. While patrolling the wilderness, he operates under the conditions of natural laws. Mosku manages to release numerous reindeer as his own reputation grows. However, the lone wolf’s resources are not enough. On his next trip, he gets the Lapland border guard commander Wallenius and his soldiers. Their purpose is to return the stolen reindeer to Finland. The trip turns into a colorful adventure. Mari, who lives in the village, has drawn her attention to Mosku’s sarcastic nature and wants to find out what this is about her men. Two unyielding souls start living together. Mari moves with her son and her old ring to Mosku’s house. The house will become a shop and store run by Mari. One day Rupipää also gets lost in the Mosku’s kievari and old enemies meet again… Mosku – the last of its kind brings to the big screen the stunningly beautiful landscape of Lapland, a touching story about the turmoil of reindeer in the middle, and great acting performances.