Early morning. A freight train has collided violently with a truck at a level crossing. The train driver is seriously injured. As the investigative board arrives at the scene, it resembles a war zone. Emergency vehicles’ lights flash, illuminating wrecked train cars and twisted railway tracks. For the youngest member of the investigative board, Ari Nykänen (Santeri Kinnunen), the accident is a chance to prove himself, and he begins his own investigations. Ari soon finds himself on a dangerous side track. Where is the truck driver? Why did the train follow the regulations for transporting hazardous materials when the cargo manifest only lists fertilizers? Why does a beautiful journalist seem to know more than the investigative board? Soon Ari realizes he’s in a position where to survive, he must endanger his family, career, and life. The film is based on Markku Niinivaara’s novel “Dark Season.” 1991