
“Insiders” is a Finnish crime and drama film from 1989. A journalist for the evening paper captures sensitive information on his recorder while working on a story about the so-called yuppie culture. The image features symbols of yuppie life, from a powerboat and a convertible to the Mobira Cityman 900 mobile phone. However, a murder within the inner circle halts the superficial lifestyle centered around money and sex. The portrayal of contemporary phenomena has elevated the film to cult status. “Insiders” was filmed in Helsinki and its surroundings during the summer of 1988. A television series version of the film has also been aired.


Lauri Törhönen

Asko Apajalahti, Tapio Suominen

Asko Apajalahti, Michael Baran

Marko Rörh

Mikko Reitala, Ilkka Heiskanen, Niina Nurminen